Wednesday, August 16, 2006

NDP 2006

2 dudes chilling out as the curtains shut for the last time; bringing a deserved closure to an era of memories spent at the Grand Old Dame

NDP 2006

Kenneth posing amongst the dispersing crowds; biding a fonding farewell to National Stadium

NDP 2006

Crowds starting to make a move

NDP 2006

What's an NDP without fireworks... There you go... brief spectacular display... sorrie... only 1 picture taken... was enraptured by its brilliant splendor... last min then rem to take photo...

NDP 2006

The grand finale

NDP 2006

Forming up of the various marching contingents

NDP 2006

Against the backdrop of the fading sunset, the last Red Lion arrives (with the flag)

NDP 2006

A smoking gun in the sky